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Have you had a chance to try one of the four NEW Kraft Philadelphia Cooking Cremes yet? As a Kraft Delicious Byte Blogger I was sent some of each flavor to try at home and I’m looking forward to that. I did use some of the Savory Garlic in our mashed potatoes one night though 😉 .  The flavors are…

  1. Italian Cheese & Herb
  2. Original
  3. Savory Garlic
  4. Santa Fe Blend

I get to give away 2 of the following prize packs:

1 coupon for one FREE package of Philadelphia Cooking Creme (up to a $4.49)!

1 magnetic Kraft notepad to keep your grocery or to do list on!

1 Kraft Cooking Creme recipe booklet so you have ideas on how to use the new Cooking Creme!

Giveaway open to residents in the USA only.

How to enter:

Leave a comment below telling me which flavor you think you’d like to try most!

Want extra entries?

Do any or all of the  following and leave a comment telling me you have (must be a separate comment for each task completed):

  • Subscribe for my updates by either Email or RSS… (you will get a 2nd notice from Google Feedburner asking you to confirm and you  must confirm all the way through for this entry to be valid and to receive my updates).
  • Follow my on Google Friend Connect (see the side bar for the widget).

Giveaway starts today Thursday, March 10th & ends Thursday, March 24th at 11:59pm.

Disclosure: I received samples of Kraft Cooking Creme for free to use in my home as a part of the Kraft Delicious Byte Blogger program.  {I have to know what I’m blogging about, right?}

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.