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A series for my readers who are interested in understanding the bible and God.

In this previous post, which was also today, I introduced that I will be sharing at least a brief post ideally every Sunday or Monday on what we are learning at church (my Sunday Morning Reviews or SMR). Our senior Pastor- Pastor Tom preaches using the expository method- that is, he preaches verse by verses, chapter by chapter just the way the bible is written. He covers everything. And then we compare scripture with scripture. The bible is amazing and it only gets more amazing the longer your read and the more you dig into it! God is amazing!

Today we looked at, but didn’t finish, Ephesians 6:11-12. Yes- 2 verses! But a lot of other verses came into play as well (we compare scripture with scripture!). Part of living in victory as a Christian involves knowing who your enemy is and how he works. Its just like military life- you have to know how the enemy operates if you’re going to defeat him.

A brief, brief summary:

  • People are not our enemies- whether you’re a Christian or not- its the power or influence thats motivating them to do those wrong things and that motivation or influence is from Satan. Even Christians can be influenced by him.
  • The real battles isn’t about what we see (flesh and blood)…its about the unseen…
  • Did you know Satan used to work for God, his name was Lucifer and he was a brilliant, beautiful being. You’ll learn more about him here.
  • Satan has his own work force distributed around the world (principalities)…  {Do you believe in angels?}

Here’s the link to listen freely to todays message by mp3: Know Your Enemy – Part 1 and you can download the study sheet as well. When you click here for the message you will have to scroll down and look for today’s date 12/5/10. Its all Free.

*If you think I’m crazy I assure you I’m not. I just believe the bible 😉  If you’re new to my blog, you might want to subscribe here to get my updates by email or RSS.

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