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Months ago I found out about Drive Thru History- a fast paced action trip through historical events hosted by Dave Stotts.  Sort of by chance one night I flipped to a channel that was airing one of the segments and because I was vaguely familiar with the title “Drive Thru History” I wanted to watch. I was so captivated by it that even  though I had to use the bathroom I made myself wait because I was afraid of what I would miss!


I eventually made contact with Drive Thru History andrequested some of their product to review. They said yes and sent me the Drive Thru History American History, Special Edition Episodes 1-6 and the American History Special Edition Episodes 7-12. I checked for myself as I was writing this post today and both sets they sent me have received several reviews ALL  5 stars by Amazon reviewers!


What I like about Drive Thru History…

  • It’s fast paced! There’s little time to get lost in between dry facts.
  • Dave Stotts is a character himself and keeps things hopping with his sense of humor. Even my husband mentioned he liked his humor.
  • Dave actually takes the viewer with him as he visits these places in real life.
  • These DVD’s can be watched on your computer too! In fact, as I type this out I’m listening to mine. The video is on as well.  I didn’t know I could watch it on here! The reason I even tried it on my computer was for the next point…
  • There is a Discussion Guide and Answer Key you’re suppose to be able to access from your computer’s DVD-rom. I haven’t figured out how to get to it yet though.  Access the Discussion Guides and Answer Keys here (updated link 6/23/13).


If you’re already a Drive Thru History fan you might want to know DTH also offers  Foundations of Character Student Edition (Drive Thru History America).


Visit Drive Thru History’s website or follow them on Facebook!


We were fortunate to find some of  the Drive Thru History dvd’s at our local  library.  You might want to look for them at your local library as well to see if they are something you’d like to buy. Of course these are great if you are homeschooling or just a plain old history buff! Christmas is coming and these could make for great gifts- especially if you have loved ones who are already fans and would like to add to their collection.


*Drive Thru History sent me these two sets for free in exchange for my honest review.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.