Off-grid pantry planner

If you’ve been following me for awhile you may remember me writing about wanting to go to The Relevant Conference (a Christian women-blogger conference). Money being the issue it is, I’ve had to seek the path of sponsorship. Learning the ins and outs of getting companies and brands to sponsor me  has been a new learning curve. I started too late, didn’t try enough places and ended up empty. I pretty much gave up the idea of going to the conference. I just wasn’t willing to charge the conference on a credit card. It was just too much. If the Lord wanted me to go, he’d have to provide.

Then, I saw it. Wait… maybe?

Yes, by golly, a wee little light at the end of the tunnel. My husband was actually open to the idea of me – going. {Did he really understand going to a conference isn’t cheap?}

Turns out, we’d earned some extra money selling parking during this event and, additionally,  had accumulated a huge credit towards paying our gas heat bill (from being on the budget program).  And so I began to look for ways to cut costs to attend Relevant.

  • I found an Early Bird ticket for sale and bought it (another women who bought it and couldn’t go).
  • I found other women who wanted to cut costs and now 3 of us are splitting the cost of the room.
  • I asked Ron of  @visionmktg if  his company would be interested in sponsoring my blogger (business) cards. He said they would and they were done by Vision’s AboutPrint division! I’ll show them to you in a future post 😉
  • I made connections with Chevy/GM and asked for a car, and they are delivering an Equinox to my home! Thanks @connieburke @Chevrolet.  You can follow them and this hashtag on Twitter to see what I have to say about my #Equinox ride when I get back. I plan to show you what it looks like too 😉
  • I asked my hairdresser Erin – who is just the best when it comes to my hair- if the Edge Hair Design would be interested in doing my hair for the conference and they said- Yes! I’m scheduled for a full makeup and hair makeover (fun!). *I hope to do a “before and after” video on the blog.

So, turns out the Lord did provide {He is goooood, isn’t He?!} and I didn’t have to charge ticket or room on a credit card!

Thank you to all my #Relevant10 sponsors! You all have been the cherry on the top of this for me. I mean, I had to have the basics (ticket and room) but I could have gone to the conference without professional cards (and used my *ahem- not so pro-rather-cheap cards), a new do (vs. my bulky uneven probably split end hair), and a SWEET ride (vs. my 2002 duct taped van)- ! You all have been a blessing! Thank you again!

And if  anyone would like to follow our conference Tweets and see whats happening during this event,  just click on and follow the link to the hashtag #Relevant10 on Twitter. They will be live-streaming the event as well.

Finally! You can follow me here: FacebookTwitter, or subscribe here for my blog updates! I plan to tell you all about Relevant when I get back- unless I can get a laptop to use while I’m there. In that case, I’ll probably be sharing online FROM Relevant 🙂

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