Discovery Toys products are top selling educational toys, books, games and software from birth through adult! The products are backed with an unconditional satisfaction guarantee. I can help with Birthdays, Baby Registries, Educational Needs, Valentine’s Day Gifts, Easter Baskets, Teacher Gifts, In-Home/Catalog Parties and Fundraisers!
DT allows you to raise your family & your income! The compensation plan is amazing as well as the incentive trips. Do you want to join me in Costa Rica next year?
I plan to further my business so I never have to work for anyone else. To be able to make my own schedule and be there for my children.
I can help you spend money, save money or make money. To learn more, join or book a party, go to www.playshopearn.com
This is the 13th feature in my work-at-home-mom and self-employed woman series. To see all posts click here. If you’d like to get my updates in your inbox just subscribe right here.