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diamond stud earrings

A little while back I received an email from asking me to review their earrings.  They are simulated diamond stud earrings – 5mm stud cubic zirconia set in sterling silver (.925).  Before I accepted I checked with my blog Facebook friends to see if they would even be interested in winning a pair of simulated diamond earrings. The response was a BIG ol’  “YES”!

I received my pair to review and I have to admit, they are gorgeous. They catch the light and put off some brilliance. Sparkly. Bright. Just beautiful!

They actually arrived while we were away visiting family out of state. While I was on the phone with Grandma letting her know we had made it home safely I held the earrings in my hand and was just so impressed with how they captured the light and gave back such beautiful color. wants to give one of YOU a pair too!

Here’s how to enter to win.

  • First you MUST be following my blog on at least one of the following: Facebook, GoogleFriendConnect (see in my sidebar), or Subscribe for my updates by email or RSS (your choice) AND leave a comment here telling me you are.
  • You can get ONE extra entry by” to YOUR friends ANYWHERE on the web!  This will be on the honor system – just tell me in a separate comment where online you mentioned “” to your friends.
  • This giveaway is only open to residents of the USA.
  • Contest begins tonight October 18th and ends November 9, 2010. Winner will be drawn by!
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