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My family had the pleasure to partake in a review opportunity for Crayola Color Wonders through Crayola and MyBlogSpark recently. I don’t know who was more excited me, or the boys 😉

Click here to see Color Wonders in action at my house.

We received a box in the mail and inside contained 5 kits/packages from the Crayola  Mess-Free Color Wonder series! We received…

  • The Lap Desk that came with 5 mini markers and 12 peel and stick pages.
  • The Fingerpaints and paper.
  • The Stow & Go Studio also came with 4 mini markers and 12 page Color Wonder Activity Book
  • The Story Stampers Activity Set that came with 5 markers,  6 stampers, and 18 page coloring pad and 1 stamp pad.
  • The Markers & Paper…24 page drawing pad and 5 markers.

By the way, these aren’t ordinary markers or pages. These are like magic. The tips of the marker, the stamp pad and the fingerpaints are all like a clear/translucent kind of color and when applied to the magic paper things appear before your eyes. Its really neat and think of this…no marker color on your carpet or carseats.

I am THRILLED they gave us the lap desk and the stow and go since I happen to have two young boys who enjoy coloring and drawing. Now when we are on a road trip they both have something supportive to color on  in the car. Though for some reason in the video below  at this particular time  Brendan wasn’t using either of them.  But you’ll see how easy it was for him to color in the car anyways. {Video taken off of blog but available here at Youtube.}

Now one of YOU will win all 5 kits as well!  Here’s how to enter…

REQUIRED: Leave a comment here at this post telling me why you would love to win a Crayola Color Wonder “summer fun kit”!  Thats it and you are entered!

Here’s what to do if you want EXTRA ENTRIES! You can do all of the following to have up to 4 chances total to win this great prize pack! Remember, if you are currently, already doing any of the following, just leave a comment telling me so.   Just leave a separate comment here for each one you do! But the extra entries do NOT count unless you’ve done the REQUIRED step mentioned above!

  1. “Like” Crayola’s Facebook page and (a) leave them a comment there telling them Hall of Fame sent you AND  (b) then come back to this post and leave me a comment telling me you did that! Click here to do that.
  2. Subscribe for Hall of Fame Moms email or RSS updates and leave a comment here telling me you have done that or already were subscribed.
  3. Tweet about this giveaway using this shortlink and hashtag- just copy and paste the following into your Twitter update box: Enter to win Crayola’s Color Wonders summer fun pack! #mbsspark    and then leave a comment here at this post telling me you did that. I will be checking so be sure to tell me your Twitter id as well.

Contest begins today July 31 and ends August 13th at 11:59pm. One winner will be selected by

Coupon Alert! You can grab a $1.00 off  Crayola Color Wonders coupon here at this link too!

*Disclosure: Crayola provided me with the products, information, and giveaway through MyBlogSpark.

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