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Stephanie Fish of BuckeyeVa did such a good job of answering some “press release” questions I had regarding her service that I asked her if I could post her answers to me here at my blog. If you are a WAHM or a self-employed woman period, you should be aware of this type  of service and how it could potentially give your business a boost. Be sure to read to the end, she has a special offer for you!

When a business owner needs to outsource their online marketing, whether it be article or press release distribution, they are paying a qualified, experienced  PR person for that marketers time. Time would include: writing a targeted press release (for Search Engines and Potential Clients), the time it takes to research the correct media contacts,  and the time it takes to actually submit the press release to the correct places.

The cost involved in marketing the press release does not mean that the business owner is going to see a successful run, meaning, there is no guarantee that your press release is going to be picked up by a reporter who contacts you for an interview. In fact, its best to be truthful with ones self and realize that it takes more like 8 or more press releases to be marketed before you get anyone from the media to personally call you for an interview.

This is why you, the business owner, must have a set of goals to measure your ROI and what you deem to be ‘successful’. Ask yourself, “what does a successful press release campaign, look like?”

Maybe success from your PR marketing campaign results are:

  • Increase in sales
  • Increase in social media fans
  • Increase in clients
  • Increase in subscribers to your ezine or RSS
  • Direct call from the media
  • Increase in invitations to speak at events, online or offline

When you submit your press release, you can choose to submit to online directories only, offline media contacts only or both. It’s wise to invest the time to market to both of these outlets.

#1: … I will use my media database and only submit your press release to the proper places that  target your readers. In other words, I won’t just submit your PR to every available source such as  sports, drama, boutiques or other none-related places.

#2:  (I asked her about her prices).  I can’t offer marketing at any lower rate than the $125, its just too time consuming and I wouldn’t be making any money if my rate was any cheaper. Note: Stephanie’s regular price is $395.

#3:  (I asked her about results).The only way for me to know if a PR that I personally sent out was picked up, is if the client contacts me and lets me know. The PR places don’t call me, they call the business owner  listed on the PR.

The way to measure a successful press release marketing campaign is by the following:

  1. The business owner gets a call from the media with an interview request.
  2. The business owner sees an increase in sale.
  3. The business owners may see an increase in Fans (or ‘likes’) and/or twitter followers.
  4. The business owner sees an increase in subscribers, regardless of the #1 or #2.

Before a business owner submits a press release they should do one of the following in order to track the ROI (return on investment):

  • Setup an optin page to a specific URL, that is separate from their main website Business owners have been known to purchase a domain name specifically for press release. Doing this will show you where the traffic is coming from for that specific marketing campaign.
  • Create a different mailing list sign-up box, giving away a new, unused freebie. This can be done by going into your mailing list software (I use…its free). Once inside there, I create a new list, naming it something that has to do with the PR I will be sending out. I then take that code, and place the code inside my WordPress widget area.  This will let you know which press release sent you the ‘new’ subscribers.
  • Go inside your Cpanel, look at your webstats. Keep a hard copy of the traffic BEFORE you start submitting your press releases. This will give you information such as: which website brought you traffic and what keywords were used to bring you traffic.  This choice is free and quite easy for a beginner online marketer or someone that is only running 1 press release every couple of months.

There has to be a place in a work at home mom’s business life where she comes to realize that she’s a business owner, not a hobbyist. As a business owner, you have to think like one, and get out of the mindset that your business is a hobby, something that you can run on your own. Otherwise, you’re not going to see an increase in your income.

Business owners know that they can’t always get quality products or services without paying for it, and they always know that they can not be a ‘lone ranger’, meaning they have to have help with growing a profitable business.

Outsourcing can be costly.  People come to me when they know that they need help and they know they have to pay for it. Just like any business owner, you can’t hire an employee with skills at the same pay rate you can hire someone with no education or qualified skills.

Stephanie Fish is offering Hall of Fame Mom’s readers her Press Release services at just $125 (regular price is $395). To learn more about this offer or to see what else Stephanie can do to help you get your business marketed, visit her HERE.

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