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My Top 10 Tuesday.

1. I’ve committed to working through Darren Rowse’s Problogger ebook “31 Days to Build a Better Blog” and posting about what I’m learning on my other blog where you can follow what I’m learning too….BlogTipsThatPay.

2. Walking 20-30 minutes daily (or most days). This started May 1st and I was convinced by the end of day 1 that  this was a good thing 🙂  So far I’m 3 for 3! Whoo-hoo!

3. To lose 10 pounds this month of May…by walking and watching what I eat, but not dieting or counting calories. There, now that I’ve told you, I better keep up with this 😉

4. Writing a guest post for CWAHM that is to be posted May 18th. Topic to be determined…

5. Writing a guest post for College for 10K. Topic…my college experience and money.

6. I’ve applied to become one of the new Sears Outlet Signature Power Team members. If you’re a blogger you can apply too, but the link is not at Sears. Read on and I’ll share the link with you so you can apply too.

7. I’ve applied to work with another marketing firm for another product. Won’t share the details on that unless I’m accepted.

8. Mother’s Day is this Sunday and I don’t know yet if we are going to a cookout or hosting one here at my house (yikes!).

9. Homeschooling. (I will be a first-time homeschooling mom this year).

10. Mama Robin has laid 4 eggs since I shared that pic of her empty nest last Wednesday (built on our windowsill). AND, you haven’t seen it yet, but Brendan found a Woolly Bear caterpiller and about 4 days after finding it – it had spun its cocoon. If it survives it should be turning into a Tiger Moth I believe in about a week or two and I still need to cover the top of its makeshift home so it doesn’t fly away inside my house! I’ll share a pic of the eggs tomorrow for my Wordless Wednesday. Oh yeah. And if you’re looking for the link to apply for the Sears team, here it is. I just didn’t want you to leave before you finished reading my post 😉

For more Top 10 Tuesdays Visit Its Come 2 This.

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