Off-grid pantry planner

Remember a few months ago I ran a contest sponsored by Vision Marketing, Inc. out of Lynchburg, Virginia?   Ron and his crew do top-notch marketing work out there and he offered to giveaway a prize of 1000 business cards to one of my readers. These cards are top-notch, 16 point, 2 sided and worth $100!

Well, I had the winner, Stephanie Fish of send me one so I could do a follow up on this prize and I will say they turned out beautiful!  I just scanned them into a file so I could get them on here. You’re seeing the front and back.  The cardstock is very nice and strong and the gloss is just right I’d say.

If you’d like to see what Vision Marketing can do for you just visit them at They have a pretty cool website too with sound effects.  Jus’ sayin’ .

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