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In honor of  this time of celebrating the truth that Jesus Christ (God in flesh) died for my sins and yours and rose again triumphing over sin and death I want to share some freebies.

* Do you know for sure where you will go when you die? Statistics show that 10 out of 10 people will die. You owe it to yourself to know the facts. Afterall, you spend a lot of time “knowing” other things, right? You can request your free copy of Mark Cahill’s book One Heart Beat Away delivered to your home. (I got mine awhile ago.)  Request your copy here or read for more info .

* Want free real, sound biblical Bible studies to listen to online and print notes for? I mean the “good stuff” here folks. Check out what has to offer at their website!  To go directly to their Mp3’s and messages click HERE.

* Are you good enough for heaven? Take the Good Test HERE. Hint: No one is really good enough and this “test” tells you why that is true from scripture.

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