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Are you looking for a nanny? Are you looking for a job as one?

Tamara of asked me to share her website with you. After spending some time looking at her site I decided I liked it.  Tamara has used nannies for years and she shares her story in the About section of her website.  After using other websites to find her nannies she decided to start a resource of her own.

Just for fun I typed in my zip code here in Canton, Ohio and found a nanny within 10 miles of me 😉 has been featured in the Sacramento Magazine (look for a copy in Starbucks or go to as well as Real Life E and The Work At Home Woman.

The mission statement is…  “To provide a service that gives nannies and families the tools and resources they need to connect with each other, with the common goal of creating a good working relationship with each other.”

What do I like about this website?

~ Its got a clean look, its organized and so easy to use.

~  Resources are provided, topics are discussed such as what to expect when hiring a nanny, background checks, and more.

~  I feel like Tamara is the real-deal, that she really knows what she’s doing and has the experience to help you.

If you are a Nanny looking for a family or a family looking for a Nanny and you find one through I’d love to hear about it!

Note: This is not a paid endorsement. This review was done freely by me.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.