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Today we are meeting one of my best Facebook friends, Alina Ghinga. Here’s  just a little  snippet from this work from  home mom.

I’m a stay-at-home mom, homeschooler, student, and business owner.

I work from home, as an Independent Consultant for Usborne Books.

I am able to work a flexible schedule, focus on my family and make some extra money. I love what I do & have also been able to build a lovely library for my own children.

Usborne Books & More carries over 1400 award-winning, beautifully illustrated, educational and fun books and activity kits for children ages infant to young adult. We provide book fairs, fundraisers, home shows, reading programs, direct sales, matching grants and income opportunities!

To Contact Alina:

What do you do for fun, Alina?

I enjoy reading, writing, working out, decorating, music, art and spending time with my family.

On the side.

Alina’s husband is an artist and does high quality personal paintings. Be sure to check out the talent displayed at his website at :
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