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I want to revisit a post or 2 of mine from the past.  Every now and then I share how I save money by using these free sites! I know learning something new isn’t always fun or easy. Believe, I know! I had to teach myself basically how to blog, how to blog with WordPress, how to get around the code, how to… (fill in the blank). But the following three sites I tell you about are not hard to use. Trust me. Be sure to click on the links to my past posts on these sites so you can learn a little more.


Swagbucks is a search engine –  like Google or Yahoo, except they reward you for using them to search the internet. I drug my feet for awhile using them and then I got “smart” and downloaded their toolbar. It wasn’t hard to do. Hello, I’m ‘Miss Technically Challenged” here! If I can do it,  you can do it 😉  After I downloaded the toolbar the points were coming naturally and without any real effort at times on my part… I mean, I’d get points for not really trying. It seems like you are rewarded for just having it , plus you get alerts to special codes you claim for more points in addition to the points you get for just doing your natural internet searching.

The TAKEHOME:  I’ve earned $20 in Amazon egift-certificates already! (I have a friend who may be earning $10-$15 a month in these gift cards.)

They have lots of prizes and they have gift cards to choose from. You don’t have to take Amazon’s. Oh yeah…and its FREE to sign up to use. So what are you waiting for ? And Amazon offers dirt cheap deals on popular magazines at times too…I got a $5 subscription to Country Living for someone as a gift once. Want to see what else Amazon offers for cheap? Check the search box in my sidebar.

Ebates & Cashbaq.

These are separate shopping sites that pay you a $5 bonus for signing up (free sign up too!) AND you earn a % of your purchase price back- it comes back to your pocket. And you can use coupon codes to save even more money. All you have to do is sign into your account and then pick your store – in the past I have shopped for Dell ink and The Children’s Place for my sons.  You are buying through your store of choice but you earn $$ back from your purchase. Cashbaq or Ebates will pay you that money. You can sign up for both Cashbaq and Ebates.

The TAKEHOME:   Depending on the site you use you make money off  your purchases plus off your friends you sign up through your link.  Only use when you need it…I don’t do a ton of online shopping but I do some and I’ve earned over $85 in cash and gift card between these sites in the past year. And again, they are free to sign up.

Click here to  see how I saved money on My Son’s Shoes or to read about My Money Saving Ways.

These sites can only be beneficial if you use them. If you don’t do any online shopping at least sign up with Swagbucks and earn gifts cards for free- pay for magazine subscriptions you can’t afford or use them to pay for Christmas!

Happy Savings!

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