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Ahhh. You probably thought I was done with the interviews, huh? Well, nope! I have several more to go before I start on the Holiday seller’s you see off to the right. That will be a special round of interviews I want to share with for this shopping season! Why not stop by their website right now and see if they carry the “perfect” gift you need to buy for someone!

Its not too late- click here for details if you’d like to buy an ad spot in that column for my Holiday spotlight.

On to meet Holly of The Work At Home Woman.  So  tell us about yourself and your business, Holly.

I am a happily married, full-time stay a home mom to a beautiful little girl named Hadley. While she is napping and before she wakes up in the morning I work part-time from home as the founder of The Work at Home Woman, an online business resource and blog for women and moms who wish to work from home or become self-employed. To supplement that I also work part-time for a small publishing company as a social network liaison.

The Work at Home Woman’s mission is to help women and moms acquire the knowledge and skills to be able to successfully work from home or become self-employed, while providing support, inspiration and motivation.

To Contact Holly:

On Twitter:

What do you and the family do for fun, Holly?

We love traveling, playing outdoors, swimming, boating, reading, cooking and spending time with family and friends.

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