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Are you frugal or do you treat frugality like its a dirty word? There’s no shame in being frugal…being frugal is being smart!

I probably just started getting excited about coupons in the last year or so and  really “rebating” about 2-3 years ago I guess.  You really can save a lot of money using coupons and rebates by playing smart…match the coupons with the sales. Look for stores that double or triple coupons. I’m not aware of any stores in my area that triple but we do have Giant Eagle and they double up to  .99 coupons (one .99 coupon =  $1.98 off). GE (Giant Eagle) will even double some of those “Do Not Double” coupons. I rely on Coupon Allies to do the match ups for me. They even correspond with companies to get the facts on whats allowed.

Recently one of my friends told me SC Johnson had a rebate offer for buying 3 selected products and you get $5 back AND, you could do this in 3 separate transactions per household.  The rebate period began during one of our Kmarts double coupon weeks and I was already prepared with several  coupons for Ziplock bags. The Ziplock bags were 2 for $4…after coupons I was getting them for $1 a box. I did this in 3 different transactions so I could send in my 3 separate SC Johnson rebate offers. I spent about $12 (before sales tax)  after coupons on 12 boxes of a variety of Ziplock bags and SC Johnson will be sending me $15 back. Thats shopping smart!

Sometimes I buy extra Sunday papers on Mondays (buy at GE and get money off your gas) when they are on sale for .75 or I get them for free. How? Well, I walked into a store one day and asked if they sold Sunday papers on Monday and I was told no they don’t, but I could have some for free.  I have learned to hang on to my coupons whether or not its something I usually buy. I don’t often buy bags of candy but I had a couple $1.00 off coupons for Hershey’s Kisses. During our last Kmart double coupon sale I found Hershey’s Kisses on sale 2/$5. I paid .50 a bag! My boys and I have enjoyed helping ourselves to the candy bowl lately!

Another great deal I have to share. Someone tipped me off that AirWick’s Freshmatic Ultra Imotion air freshener kits were on sale at some Walmarts. Normally these kits are around $11. They were on sale for $6.00 locally. I pulled out 8 / $6 off coupons  I had held onto from Sunday papers and got 8 free (before sales tax) kits! I’m using one in the basement where the cat’s litter box resides.  I have it set to spray every 36 minutes. What a difference down there!

Some items are not “necessities” but luxuries.  Like the AirWick deal.  I’ve also bought lots of Glade products for almost free. Not because I need so many but so I can share with others…family, use as gifts, or put in missionary care boxes. Find yourself a reputable coupon/rebate/sales matching online site to help keep you in the “know” about where and when to take advantage of these deals.

The Frugal  had a post on taking a refill sized bottle of hand soap and using it in your Bath & Body Works foaming hand pumps.  Being frugal as I am I have not gotten into buying those hand pumps but I think I may buy a couple this year (now may be a great time to get a deal on them). When we use up the soap that comes in them I will use The Frugal Girls tips for refilling them with my store brand hand soap. The fact that these pumps “foam” is what saves you even more money!

My Frugal Journey. This is actually a friend of mine. A local girl who started blogging about how she saves money.  Everybody’s journey is a little different. Its not all about using coupons and buying things on sale. Visit My Frugal Journey for another view on how one family lives frugally!

For more frugal ideas check out these e-books by Living on a Dime.


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