Off-grid pantry planner

WAHM:  Shiloah Baker of  The Homemaking Cottage.

I’m a homeschooling mom of seven wonderful children.  I have been running my online business from home for 11 years this year.  This is my only job, other than motherhood.

The Homemaking Cottage is a site to support homemakers and share ideas for maintaining home and family.  We offer ebooks, and over 897 articles in our Deluxe Edition to inspire, teach, and uplift women in the home.  We were one of the first homemaking sites on the web.  The articles featured are easy for women to identify with and they always love coming back for more.

Contact Shiloah:

The Homemaking Cottage

facebook (my name- Shiloah Baker) or group page
and finally email:


What do you and your family enjoy doing for fun?

My family and I love to going on day trips, especially here in North Carolina where there is so much history.  We love to read as a family, work on projects and crafts, and watch Jane Austen movies.  We love to make new recipes and my older children surprise us with new baked goods almost daily.


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