Off-grid pantry planner

Okay so I touched base a little recently about some offline marketing ideas and why you probably should be investing a little money into some promotional items (biz cards, magnets, etc.). I finally broke down and took Vista Print up on their offer of free biz cards and then they offered me a whole lotta more freebies that I scooped up all for the price of shipping. I’m glad I finally did it. Because my specialty on this site is highlighting the work at home mom or woman in general and not on selling my own products (physical) I guess I didn’t think much about needing promos. I don’t think that way anymore.

I won’t go all into the offline marketing ideas I already shared. You can find them by clicking here for that post. But I do want to share a few ideas for some online marketing…they are basic. But they could help you out with your bloggin’ adventure or selling business.

Social Networking.

This is how you’ll grow a readership or fan base. My Twitter following is almost at 700. This doesn’t just happen. Or it didn’t “just happen” for me. I pick people I want to follow and some of them follow me back…though there are people that find me first and I decide whether or not to follow them back.

Facebook. I already had a personal Facebook page. I eventually decided to add a Fan Page for my website. I’m pretty strict about what I post on my Fan page. I post my recent posts from my website but I also do something for my Fans on FB that I do not do for my post readers. I post selected freebies or other great deals I come across. I do get a lot of info on freebies and great bargains that I just don’t have time to post about on my website and that is not exactly the niche I want for my website. So when I come across something great I like to share that with my FB Fans. And I’m getting away from giving that info out on my personal profile too, cuz I want my friends to Fan my website page as well.  However, I do share some Misc $$  Savers – you can find them under that category…and keep checking back for more to come!

Other social networks. I just wanted to add, there are many. I don’t have time to be involved with too many.  So I pretty much focus on the two above.

Niche groups/forums.

So this is where you can lock shields with others in your area of interest. I’d like to expand my connections but for now I’m connected with The Mom Pack. Its free to join. You can click on my member button in my side bar for more info. Last I’d read there were possibly over 6 or 8,000 members there. I am a member of Twittermoms too. That group exploded with members fairly quickly and I just haven’t spent much time getting involved over there. But I remember when I joined I was like #124 to join and I think there are thousands there now.

Emails and more.

When you do anything electronically, if you can, put your url in your signature line. Always reminding people, quietly 😉 , that you have something going on online that maybe they need to check out.

Relevant Content.

Yeah, you need to blog if you want to get movin’ on the internet. Click here to read a short article about it. And you need to link up with other niche related sites.  At least thats what I’ve been taught.  It supposedly tell the search bots (?) that your stuff is worth crawling…or something like that.  I’d take their word for it. Get your url on sites that you respect and are in your genre and do the same for others. Perhaps you can use the power of  “reference” when you’re blogging.

So, now what do you do? Well, how about becoming a Fan of Hall of Fame Moms and joining me on Twitter too?!  The links are right over there in the sidebar. If you tell me you read this post and are joining me on Facebook or Twitter…I’ll follow you back 😉

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