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Today we are re-meeting with Dianna Kelly who works with Cherish Bound. I saw re-meeting because a couple weeks or so back I had a technical glitch and lost her interview so I’m getting it back on here.

So, lets hear from Dianna about her and her business.
I work full time outside the home and am starting a business for additional security. These days, no job is safe. Although this is a tough time to start a business it gives me some control over my future.

I teach people the importance of their story and then show them how to write their story.
There are so many things I love about Cherish Bound. First, it’s personally rewarding. I get to help people reconnect with their families! There’s no better feeling than knowing that what I’m doing not only will make money for me but will help other people! Second, there are almost infinite ways to make money with their products. Yes, you earn a commission on their products and I sell, sell, sell to get those commissions. But you can also teach (children or adults), run summer camps for writing, form writing clubs at high schools, work with elderly in nursing homes…wherever there are people, there are stories! My team has come up with at least 50 ways to promote this product and we’re working on more!

It is also a great way to make money doing something that is personally rewarding. I was once an avid scrapbooker. Finding this company has had a significant impact on how I plan to capture my family’s memories – it’s no longer just about the pictures!
Because there is a relatively small consultant base, I was able to bring the business to NH and my team grew to several people within weeks of signing up!

Contact Dianna :
Or email Dianna at
Or call at 603-496-2392

Dianna, what do you and your family do for fun?
I have 2 very active young girls (2 and 3). We love to work on projects, read books and play outside. My favorite part of the day is listening to the stories they have at the end of every day. Every night I sit with each one and we talk about what they did, what they learned or what they could have done better.

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