Off-grid pantry planner

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Spring is near and I decided it was time to update my “things to do this season” list. You can also call this a Spring Bucket List!

So, here you go: 26 Things To Do in Spring! You can Pin this fun graphic to your Pinterest boards if you’d like. I’ll also share it on Facebook so you can “save” it to your “save list” there as well as a digital reminder of ideas in case you need them on the go!

I’ll list all 26 things to do underneath the image you see below.

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26 Things to do in Spring

Visit local playgrounds.
Go hiking or walking.
Go bike riding!
Go for a drive or motorcycle ride on a sunny day!
Visit museum on rainy days. (Get in free at some museums!)
Make or buy new bird feeders for the yard.
Take a leaf/tree guide and see how many trees you can identify.
Go canoeing!
Go fishing!
Clean the carpets.
Spring clean the house and car.
Go to a park and play frisbee or ball.
Create nature paintings and crafts outside.
Plant flowers.
Chalk up the driveway or walkway.
Hang out new wind chimes.
Plant a garden!
Hang hummingbird feeders.
Make a butterfly garden! (We raised butterflies!)
Go on a picnic!
Blow bubbles outside!
Go out for ice cream.
Host a BBQ!
Visit a drive-in theatre!
Play outdoor sports. (Do Nerf wars count? 😀 )
Visit a zoo!

Bonus! Go camping.

What would you add to this list of things to do in spring? Tell me in the comments below!

See my 30 things to do in Winter and 30 things to do in Fall, too!
Find Homeschool Classes offered at Ohio zoos and museums.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.