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We wrapped up the third year of our homebased homeschool club a few months ago and today started year four!

Each year we change the theme and keep it pretty light and fun for the kids including free time to play and, of course, a snack. I started this club shortly after we moved into this house a few years ago but it’s a team effort with the other moms pitching in to cover a week of leading or taking care of snacks.

Our Homeschool STEAM Club pictures

Our first year was Lego Club (see pictures), year two was Minecraft Club, and then STEAM Club (that’s an acronym for Science, Tech, Engineering, Art, and Math).

Today I just want to share a sampling of pictures from our year of STEAM. My home isn’t huge but we usually have room for the few families that want to participate.

DIY Shrinky Dink experiment

Our first year was “Lego Club”. See how we started our club here.

Not all of our experiments were a great success but you know that is just a part of learning what doesn’t work 🙂 . I read a quote supposedly by Thomas Edison that said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

[Find some homeschool art curriculum ideas in this post.]

Homeschool STEAM Club

Homeschool STEAM Club

DIY shrinks dink experiment failure

Some of our past club activities are shown below.

I hope this post has helped some of you find some inspiration for starting your own homeschool club.

Our Homeschool STEAM Club

Our Homeschool STEAM Club

Our Homeschool STEAM Club

See more homeschooling posts here.

Follow me on Instagram or on Facebook to catch pictures of our actvities as we go through our fourth year.


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