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There are many gift-giving occasions in our lives from birthdays to anniversaries to Christmas and everything in between, right? And yet how many of us still struggle to come up with great gift ideas to give our family and friends?


I know that’s me. And, while a list of gift ideas or a gift catalog in the mail can expand our gift idea options, I know a lot of us depend on hearing from loved ones what it is they personally would love to have as a gift.

Welcome to the HOFM Gift Guides

I have curated gift lists below to help you find the perfect gift for your loved ones. See my gift guide for kids, gift guide for her and gift guide for him at these links or click the images below. Find gifts for boyfriends, gifts for girlfriends, gifts for grandparents, gifts for children and other loved ones below!



Gift Guide for Children

Don't miss this Gift Guide for Kids (gifts for children)!

Click this image for a list of curated gifts for kids!


Gift Guide for Her

Don't miss this Gift Guide for Women - (gifts for her)! Click here.

Click this image to see a list of curated gifts for women!


Gift Guide for Him

Don't miss this Gift Guide for Men - (gifts for him)! Click here.

Click this image to see a list of curated gifts for men!



Find AMAZING Gifts for Family with these GIFT GUIDES

If you know of something AWESOME that should be added, because it’s just that great, do me a favor and tell me about it in the comments so I can check it out for myself. Thanks! It might just get added to this gift guide.


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.