Recently I was tagged on Youtube to answer the following 10 or so questions about our homeschooling. This a Youtube Mom Tag Collab and if you’d like to answer these questions on our Youtube channel then…TAG! You’re it, now 🙂
I listed the 10 questions below. My answers are in the video at the end of this post.
Will you join in? If you do, be sure to let me know so I can come and watch your video, too!
1 – When do you start your HS year? or Do you HS year round?
2 – Do you have any back to school traditions?
3 – What do you look forward to the most about a new school year
4 – What’s your favorite part of back to school planning?
5 – Are you an “early bird gets the warm” or a “wait till the last minute” shopper
6- What’s your favorite find/deal so far ?
7- Do you use a planner? book, online or make your own?
8- How do you make time for your self to plan and get organized?
9- What did you do last year that you wont be doing this year?
10- Describe in one word your attitude about the new school yea
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