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Twice a month on Wednesdays we host a Homeschool Minecraft Club in our home with a few other families. This is a pretty laid back time. We moms get to socialize a bit and the kids do too.


Last year this was our homeschool Lego Club.


The kids wanted to change the theme to Minecraft for this year and I’ll admit, coming up with a game plan as been a real challenge for me. Cue in, Pinterest!


O, wow!! Thank you, Pinterest. Thank you to all the moms or dads or just creative people who have been sharing their ideas there. I have a Minecraft Club Pinterest board of ideas to help me plan.


Working on a Homeschool Minecraft Club project


Usually, I have the kids just work on a project on their tablets, but at the last meeting they created self-portraits with squares and figured out the area, perimeter, and practiced with fraction finding. The project was referred to as a math mosaic.


Make a Minecraft Math Mosaic


Here are the supplies we used (affiliate links used below):


The kids create their self-portrait and fill in with the squares. Count up all the squares for area, count the outline squares for the perimeter and then you can make fractions out of the colors. Your bottom number will be your area number. So, if you have 24 blue squares in your mosaic and your total squares used in your mosaic was 63 your fraction would be “blue = 24/63.

You can find this project on my Minecraft Club Pinterest board here.


Hosting a Homeschool Minecraft Club


One of the highlights of our Wednesdays together, though, is when the assignments are done an they can play – especially when the weather is nice and the football comes out 🙂 .


Last week I had to cancel for a necessary tooth extraction (NO FUN) I shared in this post. So we are making up that class THIS Wednesday and then back to our regular schedule. I must peruse my Pinterest board to prepare. See you later 🙂 .


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