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I’ve been a bit “MIA” lately. If you don’t follow me on Facebook and Instagram you probably don’t know why so I’ll tell you here. Years ago I was told I had a cracked tooth on all four corners of teeth, not necessarily the furthest tooth back, but you get the idea.


Well, I think it was one of those that split even further and got infected about a week ago causing me an enormous amount of pain. I was in urgent care a week ago today since it was a Sunday.


This past Wednesday my dentist extracted that tooth, which was broken at the root and still infected (I was on antibiotics) and now I’m on the mend but severely limited on what kind of foods I can eat.

TMI, right?


I probably should have had that tooth crowned long ago, but going to the dentist is bad for my blood pressure. I don’t even like the process of having my teeth cleaned. ALL THAT TO SAY…before my unfortunate misery I did have the opportunity to try the new Girl Scouts S’mores cookies and they are AMAZING!


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, you don’t need a thousands words to describe how yummy these new Girl Scouts S’mores cookies are. You can see the layers in the photo below. I did receive some free cookies to try, but opinions are my own.


Have you tried the NEW Girl Scouts S'mores cookies?


Prior to this new flavor my standard fav has been Thin Mints. While I can’t imagine Thin Mints losing favor with me, I can honestly say that the S’mores flavor is competing for that special number one spot and may quite win out if I’m ever given the choice to choose one over the other.

I think S’mores will win out. You can find more info about Girl Scout Cookies here.


**Did you know that the Girl Scouts offer learning opportunities that even homeschoolers would enjoy? Read more here.



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