Off-grid pantry planner

This past weekend our family had the chance to stay overnight at Castaway Bay. It was another year that I could see how my boys are growing up. Our youngest tried something new at the waterpark that he would not have before and I had a nice talk with our oldest that allowed me to see another side of him.

But, more about that trip later. I want to focus the rest of this post on non-candy Easter basket ideas.

Ashley, who has four young children, is back to share her expertise on finding alternatives to candy for filling the kids’ Easter baskets this year. Between the two of us we came up with 34 fun Easter basket alternatives to candy!

34 non-candy Easter Basket fillers I am using my affiliate links to link to fun non-candy Easter basket fillers.

As Easter approaches many people are looking for alternatives to candy. It feels as though every holiday or special occasion revolves around unhealthy choices.

I can’t speak for everyone out there but my children get much more enjoyment out of small creative or “busy” toys than sugar.

I’ve compiled a list of items that are very affordable and allow for more entertainment than belly aches out of their Easter baskets.

34 non-candy Easter Basket Ideas

1. wind up toys
2. Play doh
3. bubbles
4. glow sticks
5. finger puppets
6. crayons
7. small puzzles
8. Ink stamp sets
9. LED glow rings
10. sticker sheets
11. small frisbees
12. story books / board books
13. Bananagrams game (also Pairs in Pears and Appletters)
14. travel games
15. pinwheels
16. sunglasses
17. mini etch-a-sketch
18. yo-yo
19. nail polish
20. bath toys
21. mini Nerf guns
22. lip gloss

23. small animals / dinosaurs
24. Little People animals
25. hair brush / comb
26. hair bow clips
27. markers
28. colored pencils
29. glove puppets
30. lip balm
31. small notebooks
32  activity books
33. small Lego /building block sets
34. minifigures

Can you think of anything else you would add to this list of non-candy Easter basket fillers? Tell us in the comments!

Ashley and her family are actively involved loving on the pups born at the Right Home Kennel farm in preparation for their new forever homes. Right Home Kennel has 30+ years breeding American Cocker Spaniels and English Yellow Labs. Many of their dogs go into home as Therapy and Special Needs Companion Dogs. Visit their Facebook Page here for more information.

If you enjoyed this post you may enjoy the following:

If you’re tired of having another basket for Easter try one of these adorable options!
~ My budget-friendly Easter basket plans for our boys one year.
~ My after-Easter shopping haul one year. <—video included



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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.