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I invited Ashley to share a little about her life as a busy mom of three girls and one boy and how she survives the crazy, chaos of life with four young children. Take it away, Ashley…


My life as a busy mom of four young children: three girls and one boy (poor guy). Three of these kiddos go to public school. I’m not sure if it’s the time of year or age of my children (9,7,5,3) or if it will always be this way, but one thing that is absolute INSANITY is getting them ready and out the door for school.


How THIS mom survives the chaos of 4 young children every day.


My crazy, chaotic morning with four young children.

None of them are of an age where they can do it completely alone, although my very independent 9 year old does most of her own routine with very little help. Affiliate links to some relevant products that are sure to help meet needs are included.


She’s the one that INSISTS on picking out her own outfit, brushes her teeth without being reminded, and remembers her glasses because she notices “things are blurry” without them.


The other three kids need help with EVERYTHING!!!


Even my 7 year old, my wild, free spirited, emotional (exactly like me) 7 year old cannot match an outfit to save her life! Anyway, on to the rest of the chaos.

~ I feed all four, who usually want four different meals,

~ I pack three lunches,

~ I pick out five outfits (if you include myself).

~ I brush and style three little girls hair (tons of fighting and crying there),

~ I make sure book bags are packed,

~ I have to make sure that everyone has appropriate shoes on, because my son wants to wear “farm boots” everyday.

~ I also can’t forget that my 7 year old has epilepsy and needs her medicine in the morning, which will then lead me to remember that we all need vitamins.


Surviving the daily chaos of raising 4 young kids.

It’s a crazy chain reaction mess of emotions and commotion by the time 8 a.m. rolls around.


Like I said, it’s a crazy chain reaction mess of emotions and commotion by the time 8 a.m. rolls around; and, we need to be at the bus stop on time for the kids to begin their hour- ride to school. *sigh*


There are a few things I do (most of the time) to keep the wildness at bay like…

~ pick out clothes the night before,

~ batch cook breakfast items like pancakes, waffles, French toast, etc..

~ have the lunches ready.


However, only on Sunday nights does all of that get done, because, remember, every night of the week there’s homework for all three kids and all three need help all at different times.


So the five things that help with crazy mornings:

~ have the kids lay their clothes out the night before,

~ wake up before they get up,

~ start the day with prayer….always,

~ have some quiet/ meditation /coffee in peace, and

~when it’s not snowy or raining I take a walk up and down my 1/4 mile driveway.


Ashley and her family are actively involved loving on the pups born at the Right Home Kennel farm in preparation for their new forever homes. Right Home Kennel has 30+ years breeding American Cocker Spaniels and English Yellow Labs. Many of their dogs go into home as Therapy and Special Needs Companion Dogs. Visit their Facebook Page here for more information.


Ashley shared some GREAT tips for getting through the crazy, chaos of raising four young children. I just have two and they can be challenging!

How do you survive the crazy days of raising young kids? Share in the comments!


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.