So, I shared with you on Monday, or maybe “hinted at” is more like it, that I’m reworking my blog-life. To be clear, it’s not like I’m home all day with time on my hands while my kids are at school. No, I homeschool my kids plus teach high-school psychology one day a week at our local homeschool co-op plus I homeschool one of my high-school aged nieces at this time.
Blogging is my job and the closest thing I have to a hobby. It’s how I earn money from home to help with bills, buy groceries, purchase school supplies, etc and so on. We really do need a second income in our home and I really do want to say home with my kids and I really do believe God has called me to homeschool. I do believe these changes are beginning to work for me and most of them may continue to. I want to share with you how to make working from home work for you too.
I know it can be done and I just need to buckle down and do the hard part needed to be consistent with EVERYTHING. Everything, – Agh!
Maybe these won’t all work for you but reading about my journey may help you figure out some tweaks for your own path.
So, some things have needed to change in my environment. Over the past couple weeks or so I’ve been moving stuff around and decluttering so I have a room to blog in. I’ve been trying to do this blogging-thing in the middle of the house and everyday life. It’s just not working out the best. But, now I have a clean desk in a separate room to retreat to with my laptop.
Another important step we’re taking is for Joel to take the boys out of the house a couple days a week so I have a block of time to focus without interruption. I’ve really drug my feet on this but it’s clear, I need this. If anyone has sabotaged my ability to be effective and consistent in my blogging it has been me.
No more I say, no more! Here are some other changes I’m making.
I’m purposing to be more personal on my Facebook Page for Hall of Fame Moms. This means you may see more pictures of me doing stuff vs. mainly my family members doing stuff (because I’m on the other end of the camera doing the photo taking).
I’m purposing to do more of my interacting and posting over at my Facebook Page for Hall of Fame Moms vs. my personal Facebook wall. So, if you only follow me on my personal wall may I suggest you follow me at my Facebook Page now?
I’ve committed to a regular posting schedule. My plan is to post Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays here at Hall of Fame Moms and Tuesdays and Thursdays at my “all about” Ohio blog, 1000thingsOhio. UPDATE: I moved my posts back to this blog and discontinued using the other domain.
I applied for a bunch more campaigns with one of the media groups I work with. Will I get picked? I don’t know, but I sure hope so. I have a reasonable goal set to grow my part of our household income. I’d like to be able to cover our grocery/household and other misc. purchases.
Well, that’s a little about what I’m doing to grow in my business side of life. If you work at home (doing anything) what areas of your home life are you tweaking so you can be more productive too? Please share in the comments, I’ll be reading and responding to them all!
Tracy Zdelar
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Yes, I feel ya on that! My problem with using an editorial calendar is that I don’t often go back to check it. What I’m finding works for me in my everyday life and in blogging is to have a big white board and a calendar hanging near it. For some reason I need to have my schedule in front of my face out in the open like that.
The past few months I’ve had a really hard time being consistent. I NEED to keep an editorial calendar and blog planner with all of my plans & deadlines or it doesn’t get done. It has helped me immensely.