Off-grid pantry planner


Earlier this year while attempting to ORGANIZE the bazillions of tiny Lego parts and pieces we own my son(s) and I began discussing the idea of starting our own Lego Club. I figured we had enough Legos on our own to facilitate some build-challenges. When I mentioned this idea to a good friend of mine she jumped on board immediately offering to help coordinate.


How to start a lego club in your home.


She and I did our homework of researching and collecting Lego Club ideas online. I have a Pinterest board with Lego ideas here. Since we are homeschooling mamas we made this a homeschooling Lego Club complete with short fun writing assignments and lots of building challenges. Tami and I met for about an hour or so at my house and made a plan.


Our Plan

  • We scheduled 26 two- hour Club meetings over the upcoming year, meeting every two weeks as a rule. Since this is for homeschoolers we are free to meet during the day.


Homeschool Lego Club meeting in our home.


  • We planned out the homework assignments which include alternating between a simple Lego challenges to make at home and bring to the following meeting (using their own Legos) and do a short 1-2 minute presentation (telling everyone about their creation).


Lego club presentation



  • On alternate meetings they have a short writing assignment with a prompt from a Mini-figure’s perspective PLUS they have to build something out of Legos to go with their short writing assignment. They bring that to the meetings and read their story and tell us about their Lego creation during presentation time.


  • After presentation they are assigned a group-build challenge and encouraged to break up into small groups of their own choosing, though they can build alone if they wish.



Lego Club group build challenge.


So far so good. The kids are getting a little creative writing, public speaking, building challenges and that oh-so important extra: SOCIALIZATION!  Find Lego Printables here.


Oh, and one more thing: I created a secret private Facebook group for our little club allowing members to share pictures, ask questions and I can update with our weekly assignment reminders.


I know Lego Clubs have been gaining some popularity, particularly through our local library. Do your kids participate in a Lego Club anywhere? Do you do something different? Please share in the comments, thanks for reading!


If you enjoyed this post you may want to explore these resources as well!


Free Lego Printables and More


Your Ultimate Lego Party Supply List and More


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.