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By  now you’ve probably crossed paths with someone (maybe read about it on another blog) who has shared the difference Young Living essential oils have made for them.  Over a year ago I attended a Young Living informational meeting at my friends’ house and was convinced I wanted to try them. I bought the Premium Starter Kit but did not want to sell them or have to buy them monthly. That all changed around the end of the year though. 


I love the Young Living essential oils. The biggest change for me, I think, is that they help me cut back on over-the-counter meds for me especially but, also my family. I use the oils to strengthen our immune system and to deal with pain and fever. I use certain oil drops in my water I drink, I diffuse them often into the air we breathe and I rub them on everyone! I even use them in coconut oil for my face moisturizer, I put them in my homemade body butter (recipe here) and I brush my teeth with them. They’re wonderful!


Young Living essential oils


We rarely get fevers in our home, but, last month, in December, we did. Both boys, at different times, dealt with fevers. I never had to use children’s meds to bring them down though I did use a little to help my oldest deal with pain.  I used what oils I had on hand and asked other oil-using friends what they recommended: Peppermint on the feet and lemon on the spine. I also used some oils for the aches/pains my oldest was having. He was the only one that ended up at the doctor’s office and I really expected him to be prescribed an antibiotic – that did not happen! The doctor didn’t think he needed one, he just prescribed a steroidal nose spray to reduce swelling between the nose and ear. (Maybe all those oils I used on him the days prior helped us avoid an antibiotic??).


In November I decided, because I wanted to invest in more oils, that I wanted to sign up for the Essential Rewards (ER) program so I can earn points on my purchases to get FREE essential oil products. To enroll in the ER program means you have to spend at least $50 (PV ) a month on oils before shipping/tax. This has not been a problem at all since I know family/friends who want just to order through me so they can take advantage of my wholesale pricing and discounted shipping benefits! This is a win-win for them and me! It helps me to meet my $50 PV requirement and they save money and I earn the points.  ***If you sign up under me I will get some compensation for that and you will be in my downline.


Two days ago I hosted my first essential oil informational meeting (with a very knowledgeable distributor in my up-line) for family and friends to get answers to their questions about what oils might help with what health concerns they have. I think everyone was interested in pursuing a natural way to good health.


Premium Starter Kit

Below is a picture from the newest Young Living Product Guide of the Premium Starter Kit (the reason I signed up in the very beginning!) You can get this kit with no obligation to buy anything else. You do not have to sign up for the ER program which involves the $50 monthly auto-ship either. However, the ER program is the only way you get discounted shipping and can earn points towards free product. You DO still get the wholesale price of products with the basic sign-up,  not the points and discounted shipping.



Young Living essential oils



So, $150 plus shipping /tax is the cost of this awesome kit which includes the diffuser, the 10 (5 ml) bottles of Everyday Oils plus a free bottle of Citrus Fresh (I use these drops in my water regularly – yum!). You also get samples of the NinjXia Red drink (I’m getting my family started on this with my January order) and other oil samples to give away.


Below is a neat video from a news source that I came across on YouTube about some women who have benefited from using Young Living essential oils too. The clip is from 2012 or earlier. I thought it would be helpful for some of you to hear their testimonials. Speaking of “testimonials”. There is a website for Young Living oil users to share their personal testimonials. Basic registration (basic “search”) is FREE. If you are interested in essential oils I highly recommend you use this website, I’ve used it a lot! After you register for FREE you just type in the ailment or oil you want to read testimonies about in the search field. The website will ask you if you have a “Sponsor” and that would be where you put my name if you do not have anyone yet: Tracy Zdelar or you can use my member number: 1590280. That website is here: .


*If you visit and decide you want to sign up for the Premium Starter Kit or one of the other kits I will get credit if you use my name and number in the sponsor and enroller fields. Name: Tracy Zdelar   Number:  1590280


Just go to that website and pick your country/language and then on the next page look up to the top right hand corner and click on “Member Sign Up”. Proceed from there. If you need help, message me.


Now, here’s that video. If you use Young Living products and want to share something below about how they’ve helped you please tell me in a comment below this post!



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