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Homeschooling the Human Body


I thought I’d share what we’re using today in our homeschooling to study and review the Human Body. Our Classical Conversations homeschool group starts back up later this month, after a nice long (needed) winter break! We needed it simply because we just moved to a new home in November. It’s January and I’m almost done unpacking boxes 🙂 .


So today the boys and I are going to review the first six, maybe the whole first 12, weeks of our CC science covering the Human Body. I wrote out the first six weeks on a dry erase board and got out a couple books for us to read from.


homeschooling science, human body


The books I bought from an Usborne selling friend. You can also find them on Amazon here:


I really like the red velcro, stand-up, fold-up, magnetic with pockets human body resource. I bought it from Amazon here. It comes with cards and magnet pieces for the skeletal system, digestive system and outward body parts. I’m sharing some pictures to help you understand it better.


The Human Body Magnetic Tabletop Pocket Chart by Learning Resources.


Human Body Magnetic Tabletop Pocket Chart


homeschooling science: the human body


Learning Resources Human Body Magnetic Tabletop Pocket Chart


I have additional human body resources to share with you here including FREE online printables and things you may find at your local library.


We are midway into our fifth year of homeschooling. This is our second year of doing it the Classical Conversations way and before that I mainly eclectic doing a mix focusing on cheap and free :). You can browse my Homeschooling posts here if you’d like!


You might like to see my past homeschool room and homeschooling tour posts too.

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