Off-grid pantry planner



We are in the closing phase of selling our house – to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. (Can you see the top of  it in the distance?)


And the tents are set up because this is the BIG Pro Football HOF Enshrinement Festival weekend!




pro football hall of fame



So, if I seem to disappear for a bit, here and there online – it’s likely because my thoughts are consumed with moving.


We’ve lived here for 12 years!


For the past three – maybe- I’ve felt like this was not going to be our long-term home.  It became clear that for different reasons we had outgrown this little piece of property and not necessarily because of square footage. Our needs and desires had changed. We just had to wait on God’s timing.


I even called the Hall of Fame myself a couple times to see if they’d be interested in buying the house; and, they never pursued it with me. That is, until we finally hired an agent. Then they called me about a week or so after the sign was in the yard. Oh well.


Though we are not getting anywhere near what we hoped to in our sale price, the terms make it a good move for us.  I feel peace that this is finally the time to move. I’ve been waiting so long for this time to happen.



And, so we search – high and low, now – for that perfect house for us and we know that God will provide again. In His timing!


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.