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Noah and the flood, according to Genesis. I love this topic.  I also believe the Bible is not only true but that science and history support the fact that the Bible is true.


Did you know there are flood legends in varying cultures on every continent except Antartica? This alone should get anyone’s attention that there might just be something more to this “story” than the idea that it’s just that  – a “story”.




I received this hardback, sturdy book with interactive sections: The Flood of Noah: Legends & Lore of Survival to review from Master Books, a division of the New Leaf Publishing Group. This is not a paid post and opinions are mine.


But, before I say anything else about the book let me tell you that TONIGHT (July 22, 2014) is the monthly Master Books Facebook Party to talk about this month’s selection (The Flood of Noah) and there will be prizes!


Join us at 8pm EST (7pm CST) on the Master Books Facebook Page here.





Okay so – The Flood of Noah is edited and compiled by Bodie Hodge and Laura Welch with illustrations by Bill Looney. This is a big sturdy book with beautiful illustrations and fascinating facts about how the story of Noah’s flood has been passed down through the ages in various cultures. While the stories do not all line up on every details there are definite similarities. It’s a very interesting topic!


History, geology, geography, fossils… those things are right up my alley!

Our family just got back from a weekend trip to the Cincinnati, Ohio area where we hunted fossils at the free Trammel Fossil Park. I brought back a number of “ocean floor” type fossils. I think that is what they are considered anyways. I’m still learning. [I’ll probably be writing more about our visit to Trammel in an upcoming post. You can subscribe here to get that post when it’s done.]



Trammel Fossil Park is full of these! It’s pretty cool to be walking on a hillside in my home state of Ohio that shows evidence of once being under water! We know from the bible that water once covered the whole earth and science does back this up. Just pick up some of the Awesome Science dvds (or ask your library if they have them) and listen to the evidence.  I think it’s amazing that we have this evidence of a global flood revealed by science and yet people still can’t accept this.


Inside this book you’ll find some interactive segments similar to a lapbook or a scrapbook, charts and maps. See the video below of the beautiful artwork and more. The Flood of Noah retails at $18.99.



Go here to see what the other MOMS are saying about The Flood of Noah and this will be where you will enter for the GRAND PRIZE too, when the giveaway goes live!



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