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As I mentioned in this post, several weeks ago I started watching a few children from my home. I use to do this more often as a side income but then turned my focus more towards blogging for extra income and less on providing childcare. Preparing my salad once a week is a great way to make sure I’m eating healthy.


So, the reason I’m watching kids again? Some folks from my church needed a hand and we needed the extra income so it appears to be a match made in heaven 🙂 .


How to prepare your salad once a week. #easysaladprep


That alone is one  big reason why I haven’t had the time or energy to blog about just anything or everything lately. In fact, the extra income from childcare is helping me feel more free to not have to blog about some things, which leaves me free to blog about the benefits of preparing my salads once a week.


FYI, my blog is my at-home job. We need a second income regardless of the source; and, childcare is paying more than my blog right now.


money saving tips for momsClick here to view more details.


So without further ado, let me tell you about how I prepare my salad once a week.  This has been working for me for weeks so far!


One of the biggest favors I do for myself, to encourage myself to eat healthy, is to prepare a huge salad to eat throughout the week. The key here is to make it ONCE!


Cut resistant gloves.


Thanks to some very affordable produce options at Aldi (maybe you have a similar store or deals elsewhere near you) I buy more produce on a regular basis now than I use to years ago. Our Aldi has even been adding MORE organic foods!


The salad I’m featuring in these pics doesn’t have lettuce because, well, I forgot to buy it this week! But that’s okay! Because I discovered a little while back that small chopped, crunchy vegetables are so good and I enjoy them a lot!


See lots of salad tools here.


This week’s salad is ALL VEGGIES. I usually just pour a little balsamic vinegar and some olive oil on and eat; however, I’ve also topped my salad with barbeque chicken and some creamy dressing this week.


Some of the things I bought this week for my salad are peppers, carrots, mushrooms, and broccoli.  I like celery in there, too!  I haven’t actually used the avocados yet and I did have some left over tomatoes from last week’s salad which I used this week. But all in all, I think I spent about $7.00 for most of my veggies and of course, I didn’t use a whole bag of carrots or whole container of mushrooms. You can save money buy growing your own herbs. This would be great for salads and cooking.


What a great deal!


My salad is HUGE and it’s so easy to scoop out a bowl full, top it with dressing and eat. I need that kind of “easy” in my VERY busy life. I bet a lot of you do too!


once a week easy salad with bbq chicken


You can top your salad with cheese, bacon, ham or bbq chicken like I did in the picture above! There are hundreds of ways to eat salad!


I love my easy-salad!


What are your favorite salad toppings?


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~ How I make my own easy, better tasting almond milk.
~ How to make an easy fruit toss dessert.


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