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Last month we had the pleasure of being invited to Kalahari so that I could experience the spa as part of a “heart healthy” event. This is not a paid post, Kalahari provided everything we needed for this experience and opinions are mine and my family’s.


While it’s important to eat right for our heart’s sake, it’s also important to take time to relax; and, I got to pick two half-hour treatments to help me relax. I picked the facial and the manicure. It’s been years since I’ve had either.


The Spa kalahari in Sandusky, Ohio


The highlight and most relaxing for me really was the facial. It was so so nice. The girl who did my facial told me they offer an hour facial too. I can’t imagine how great that would be! Oh, and ladies, you can bring your children for special Spa Kalahari Junior treatments too! Mommy-daughter mani/pedis! 🙂


A relaxing atmosphere is really important for this. See my pictures below. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of the room I was in for my facial: dim light, relaxing music, a heated table with sheet and thin blanket. But, I do have a funny story about all this – because …

I’m a spa-dork.


Oh, and they had coffee! (Very important to mention too!) -hehe


Okay, so first, I’ve never had a “real” spa experience before this.


Yes, I’ve had a facial once and a manicure a couple times at local salons. So, I didn’t know how to dress or what to expect when I arrived at Spa Kalahari which is located on the main floor inside Sandusky’s Kalahari Resort.


Spa Kalahari's quiet relaxing waiting room.


When I arrived I was told I could put on flip flops and a robe and use a locker. Um, but wait.


I signed up for the manicure and the facial – no need to remove anything, right?  Well. I was warned I would get wet from the water spray or something used in the facial so, okay then… there are no guys working in there, right?  I had to make sure. 🙂 


So I can just remove my top and get under the sheet for the facial, leave my jeans on. …Sure.


But then.


I saw that bed/table was heated!


Kalahari Resort's Spa in Sandusky, Ohio


I was not going under sheet and blanket in jeans on a heated table – now I “get it”. They probably thought I was a dork! 🙂


It was so nice, I could really go for a facial like that again, anytime now.  In fact, next time (if there is a next time) I think I’ll skip the manicure and go for the massage!


I have more to tell from our overnight visit to the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio. I hope you’ll come back!


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