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This is one of my favorite Christian educational/entertaining series: Awesome Science. I now own Episodes 1, 2, 6, and now 7 and 8. I’ve been fortunate to get all of these over the past couple years or so to review as a Mom’s of Master Books Reviewer. Master Books is part of New Leaf Publishing.  Each month I get something to review and Master Books hosts a Facebook Party on their Facebook Page here so we can share about these products and give some away! Opinions are my own.


So, Awesome Science is a family-affair production and the quality is incredible.  The series is hosted and narrated by one of the Justice family’s six children, Noah Justice. I’m not sure how old he was when they started, he was young. In these two newer episodes he is going through that cross-over period where in some scenes he’s still “little boy” looking but in most he’s morphing into the teen stage. He’s growing up before our eyes 🙂 .


Awesome Science with Noah Justice dvds


Through Awesome Science you get to see the scientific world through the eye’s of scripture. Did you know the Bible is scientific and scientifically correct? In fact, God revealed things in science that took “modern science” thousands of years to discover!

Episodes 7 and 9 of Awesome Science are about the Rocky Mountains and the Glacier National Park. You can see the previous six episodes here at the Awesome Science website.


In these DVDs you’ll discover how:

  • Evidence of erosion and mass wasting of the Rockies shows their recent formation
  • The Flood provided just the right mechanisms for an Ice Age
  • The Bible provides the best answers for the massive worldwide extinctions just several thousand years ago.


Join us this Tuesday night, 7pm CST / 8pm EST for the Master Books Facebook Party here!

There will be prizes!

And, I’m planning to be there too 🙂 .

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