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Tuesday January – 14th from 8-9 AM I’m scheduled to be the guest for the whole hour on  Prepper Chicks: A Girl’s Point of View online radio show to talk about homeschooling!  Basically Homeschooling 101 – how to begin, why to begin, and where to begin.


You can go here to listen in at 8am or catch it later after it’s recorded in the archives. Look for the pink Prepper Chick girl with the black background on the left side.


FYI: Prepper Chicks and I have talked about doing a second show on Homeschooling Methods, Curriculum, etc at a later date.




I created this Resource Post for listeners of today’s show or anyone needing a starting point for their homeschooling journey.

Thinking about homeschooling or in the mix now and looking for encouragement? This post will be full of resources to help you. May I suggest you Pin It  or bookmark it in some way?


Speaking of Pinterest, I have 14 boards on homeschooling topics/subjects. You can follow me on Pinterest by clicking here. I’m also on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. All my page links are to the right in my sidebar —-> .


Why Homeschool?

The Problem with Common Core and What You Can Do About It

20 Reasons to Homeschool & Hear from Parents who do

Homeschooling Gave our Family more Flexibility

Why Homeschooling is Worth the Sacrifice Part 1

Why Homeschooling is Worth the Sacrifice Part 2



Where do I start?

What you should know about the history of homeschooling in America

Homeschooling: Getting Started by

Homeschooling doesn’t require a boring text book

Homeschooling Laws & Legalities state by state in America; also Canada and Australia <—- this website has been a great help for me in the past! Just look for your state and click the link to learn more about your area.

If you’d rather look into “at-home” online public school instead of traditional homeschooling you might consider something like Ohio Virtual Academy.



Books about Homeschooling

Here are some books you might want to look into… I am using my affiliate links.


What your child need to know when: According to the Bible and the State


Educating the WholeHearted Child


The Well-Trained Mind: a Guide to Classical Education at Home



Homeschooling Kindle books I own.

I haven’t read them all yet. All are $3.99 and less right now I believe and one is FREE.

Scheduling: the Secret to Homeschool Sanity

Homeschooling the Holidays

Simplify your Homeschool Day

Stages of Homeschooling: Beginnings

Stages of Homeschooling: Enjoying the Journey

How to Homeschool your Child without going crazy

Simply Homeschool: Have less clutter and more joy in your homeschool

A Higher Calling: Homeschooling High School for Harried Husbands

The Imperfect Homeschooler’s Guide to Homeschooling (advice from a 20 yr homeschooling veteran)

Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series (all 6 volumes) – THIS IS FREE right now!



More Resources and FREE Printables

Homeschoolers love free printables 😉 

My Homeschooling Resources page:  Find places to buy used homeschool curriculum and some specific information for Ohio residents who want to homeschool like finding groups and more.


I shared this list of homeschooling resources that I found helpful in my homeschool research nearly 4 years ago.


Homeschool regulations vary by state.  I find it helpful to review a variety of suggestions and samples regardless of laws. Here’s a sample Homeschooling Schedule from an Oklahoma Homeschooling website that I thought was helpful. They also have a pretty lengthy list of free printable homeschooling forms.


Highland Heritage has many free homeschooling printables to help with different homeschool scheduling needs.


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