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A few months ago I helped Kalahari Resort promote their Summer Splash campaign. I don’t get paid cash-money for a lot of things on my blog, instead my compensation many times is the same thing I’m giving away to one of my readers through a giveaway such as tickets, etc.. Such was the case here.


When we have the extra tickets or room on blog-trips like these we sometimes take family or friends with us. This trip it was Grandma’s turn. I’m not sure she’s ever been to an indoor waterpark before this.




I was not required to write a review, but this was a work-related trip for me so… here ya go! This is what I do and many people appreciate the inside scoop. I will say we had some excellent customers service on this trip! This was right around Labor Day and we were not aware that the hours of some of their attractions had changed limiting us in what we could do. They made up for it though. Thank you, Kalahari!


You can see the two room suite we were not expecting – this was a surprise too!



Kalahari is so BIG. We enjoyed the free “decorate your own cookies”.  They have places to shop inside (gift store, bakery or candy store?) a restaurant or two or more and an arcade with miniature bowling and glow in the dark putt-putt.




Water fun, of course.  We enjoyed the indoor/outdoor hot tub too.

They have something I have not seen at any other waterpark – the Flow Rider. You can see my 9 yr old on it in the video below. The funny thing about this wave-riding attraction is the fact that some riders were almost losing their swim trunks. Oh, becareful! Make sure your suite is on tight and secure 🙂 .



I have two other videos from our trip you can view on my Youtube channel: The animals we saw at Kalahari and our boys playing rock-paper-scissors to see who got the roll out bed (they both wanted it!).


We had a good time, thank you, Kalahari 😉 .

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.