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Has the desire to homeschool your child been on your mind, but you just don’t think you can do it?


While the definition of “homeschooling” in Ohio is technically different than what “online public school” is designed to be,  the bottom line is your child is home for school, either way. If  that’s what you want for your child then Ohio Virtual Academy might be for you.


Your child can thrive…at home!



The Ohio Virtual Academy offers a tuition-FREE online public school education using the high quality K12 curriculum to help students in grades K-12 reach their true, personal potential. Learn more about our fully accredited public school option at



Ohio Virtual Academy, online public school at home



About OHVA:

Ohio Virtual Academy is a tuition free, online public school serving students who reside in Ohio throughout grades K-12th. The online school is open 24 hrs a day/ 5 days a week to allow for flexibility. Students receive a loaned computer and printer, a stipend (money) towards internet service, and all necessary textbooks and supplies for free.


Kindergarten is half day/ part-time, students will work 12.5-13 hrs per week (460 hrs per school year) and must be at least 5 yrs of age by September 30th. Grades 1-8 work approximately 5 hrs a day (for 920 hrs for the school year).  Find out more about high school at OHVA’s website.



Parent Testimonials:

“We chose OHVA because we wanted something better for our children. I knew another family who had enrolled one of their daughters and loved it. When I saw a sample of the curriculum, I was sure we’d made the right choice. I love the blend of flexibility along with accountability.”

S. Armstrong, parent of OHVA students in grades 2 & 6


“Before enrolling in [the Ohio Virtual Academy], I home-schooled my daughter, and I was always wondering how we were doing … Before, we would muddle through and hope we were covering everything that she needed for each grade. Now we know that she is getting a quality education with a proven curriculum. When I home-schooled, I wasn’t sure if my daughter would have a diploma when she finished 12th grade; now I know she will. Everyone at K¹² and the school district has been just great, answering all my questions in a very prompt manner.”

Anonymous, parent of an OHVA student in grade 4


See more testimonials here.



*This is an OHVA sponsored post – and a great fit for my blog as I choose to “traditionally” homeschool my boys, but realize that “traditional” homeschooling may not work well for every family who wishes to keep their child home for school.
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