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Easy Summer Fruit Salad or Berry Dessert, call it what  you want. I snagged some great prices this past week and threw together a couple yummy desserts.  And actually, this doesn’t have to be dessert, it can be a side item to your lunch or dinner!


Easy 4 ingredient summer fruit salad My affiliate links are in this post.

Take advantage of strawberry season – I was able to buy strawberries for .99 cents a container, blueberries for $1.49, and ripe bananas for .22 a pound at Aldi recently so I made an easy summer fruit salad. It’s very simple and low cost right now. This summer fruit salad probably cost me about $3 .


Here’s what I used- but you can use anything you want and as much as you want! 

1 container of strawberries

1 container of blueberries

2 bananas (I think I used just 2)

Approximately 2-3 tablespoons of sugar


Just wash all the berries and hull the strawberries, then slice them and the bananas and throw into a bowl. Sprinkle the sugar on and mix. Refrigerate.


That’s it. Enjoy your refreshing summer fruit salad!


Did you see the easy summer berry pie I shared this week too?


*Sharing at:  FrugalGirls,

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