Off-grid pantry planner



Breakfast or dessert?   You decide!


I had some ripe strawberries needing to be used up so I added some blueberries, a little sugar, dumped it into a store bought pie crust I had  thawed out from the freezer and – Walla! – easy berry pie!


I made this pie on Saturday or Sunday and it was all gone by tonight, Monday. It was that good 🙂 . And I think only Joel and I were the ones eating it.


Easy Summer Berry Pie for breakfast or dessert!


I believe my crust was a deep dish crust – two crusts.  I had to thaw them out first. If you’re not going to use them right away, after they thaw, be sure to stick them in the fridge and let them thaw that way.


berrypie3 (1)


What to Use:

For this pie you need one container of strawberries, one container of blueberries and about 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. NOTE: I could have used more sugar in this, maybe a couple more tablespoons. This is really a matter of taste though, but my pie was a bit tart. I also forgot to sprinkle some sugar on top.


What to Do:

After the crusts have thawed, as pictured above,  dump in your berry/sugar mix and carefully place the top crust on top of the berries working the crust out of the pan.  Press down gently to kind of seal the two crusts and then slice some lines across the top so the pie can breath. It looks like a serious pie that way, don’t you think?  🙂


Easy berry pie - strawberries and blueberries.



Follow the cooking time on the pie crust package or till the crust is getting golden brown.


Let it cool.


The juices from the berries will make the pie runny if you cut too soon. You may have this anyways, I did drain some juice away from the pie later. Serve with ice cream if desired!



*Sharing at:  Titus2uesdays, CherishedBliss, SugarBeeCrafts, TheMommyClub, ThinkTankThursday, FrugalGirls,
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