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For the past year and a half or so I’ve been reviewing books from Master Books- an imprint of New Leaf Publishing. Master Books is not only the world’s largest publishing company of creation-based materials for people of all ages, it is also the exclusive publisher of Ken Ham. As a bible believer I’m happy to have access to creation-based products.


There’s plenty of evolution products out there, which we believe to be a false “theory” requiring a large amount of faith by those who accept it. We need to balance the scales of available information with the truth, God’s truth about how HE created the world and everything therein. We know and believe that the bible and science do agree.


And so today I’m giving you a peek of this month’s review book: the Children’s Atlas of God’s World by Craig Froman, NEWLY published June 2013. Disclosure: I did receive this book for free to review, opinions are mine, and I’m also sharing an affiliate link in this post. Which doesn’t cost you a penny.


Children's Atlas of God's World (Master Books, New Leaf Publishing)



The Children’s Atlas of God’s World is 96 pages and available in hardback for $18.99 (also available in digital download here for $9.99) . You can view the trailer and download a FREE 19 page sample here.  We’re going to have a Facebook Party to chat about this book and giveaway some great prizes too! I’ll share that info at the end of this post. Please join us!


So, what’s in the book?

The “keys” throughout the books give reference as follows:

  • “Blue Christian Flag” refers to Christian History & Tradition
  • “Red Pins” mark landmarks, rivers or other geographic locations
  • “Green Highlights” reference cities or sites
  • “Green Flags with letters” refer to special sites recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
  • “Biome Symbols”  noted to tell you about habitats


Countries & Continents Covered in Atlas

All countries in North America along with Brazil & Bolivia of South America. For Europe you’ll find Norway, Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, and Russia.  As for Africa, you can learn about Kenya, Egypt and South Africa.  Asia covers Israel, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Japan, and Malaysia. Australia and New Zealand and Antarctica are also covered.


Exciting Tools

At the back of the book you have a two page spread on Biomes of the World which you may want to look at before you begin studying the book. This way you see the symbols of each Biome covered throughout the book, there are eight.


You’ll also find a two page spread Glossary, a one page list of Government Systems vocabulary for the countries mentioned in this book, and a one page calendar listing of Holidays Around the World listed by month. Just reviewing this book gets me excited about using it in our homeschooling. Of course, you don’t have to be a homeschooler to learn from it! 🙂 


Want a chance to win one, or another great prize?


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Join us  July  23rd at 9pm  EST

at the Master Books Facebook Page here for a par-tay!

Feel free to let us know here if plan to join us,

but come even if you don’t rsvp!


You can also find the Children’s Atlas of God’s World on Amazon here:


*I received this book free to review, opinions are my own, and I have included an affiliate link in this post.


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