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5 books series for young readers we use at home.


I thought I’d take some time and share some of the book series we have in our home for young readers. My readers are in first and third grade and we have used or are using books out of all these series in our homeschooling.  Disclosure: I am using my affiliate links in this post, but that doesn’t cost you a dime 🙂 .


Some of these books came from second hand sales or were given to us. Some may have come from online purchases. Many of these books teach good character and moral values, some of these books are biblically related, others are not. As a side note, some of these book series use the NIV (bible version) which we do not use. In our case, we would refer to our KJV bible for scripture memorization.



biblically based book series and parables for children


Christopher Churchmouse Classics are a series of character building stories for children with applicable scripture. These would have too many words for a beginner but my 8 year old could read them. I’ve started reading them aloud to my sons. At the end of the books you’ll find a short list questions to promote a discussion and help your children make practical applications.


Adam Raccoon: Bible-Based Parables for Kids: My 8 yr old has been reading these. These do have less words than Christopher Churchmouse but have a lot of pages. Like the Churchmouse series, some of the Adam Raccoon have a list of reflection questions with a scripture verse.



early readers with biblical perspective


Another set we were blessed with are the Rocket Readers. Both my boys have read from these as early readers. You can read more about each set below.

Rocket Reader Sets:

Set 1: What Will They Do?: Short Vowels (Rocket Readers, Set 1)

Set 2: Fish, Fun and Facts: Digraphs and Silent E (Rocket Readers, Set 2)

Set 3: Coming and Going: Vowel Sounds (Rocket Readers, Set 3, Vowels)

Set 4: Jumping for Joy: Consonants (Rocket Readers, Set 4, Consonants)

Set 5: God Can Do It: Beginning Blends and Endings (Rocket Readers, Set 5)

Set 6: It’s a Miracle: Old Testament (Rocket Readers, Set 6)

Set 7: Jesus’ Friends: New Testament (Rocket Readers, Set 7)

Set 8: Five Alive: Christian Heroes (Rocket Readers, Set 8)



Joy Berry character building book series for kids


Next is another series my 8 yr old has been reading: the Joy Berry character books that deal with such things as lying, being a bad sport, being bossy,  and more as you’ll read from the spine of the books in this picture. We obviously don’t have the complete set of  Help Me Be Good COMPLETE SET 29 Volumes (A Children’s Book About Series). But I appreciate the few I do have.



Dr. Suess and the Cat in the Hat books


The last book series I want to share from our small library of books at home are from the Cat in the Hat/ Dr. Suess series. My oldest (now in 3rd) read from these and now my 1st grader is also. He is currently working through One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish; he recently read >Green Eggs and Ham (that’s him reading on my bed in the very first picture). I started collecting these books before I was ever married. Dr. Suess books are near and dear to my heart, we go back a long way and we both share birthdays in the month of March 🙂 .


Dr. Suess / Cat in the Hat book offer 3/14



Do you have a favorite young reader’s series you’d like to tell me about?




Disney Books offer


 *Affiliate links are used in this post, my disclosure policy is here.
 **Sharing this post at these link-ups:  ThinkTankThursday , Pro31Thursday , >HomeschoolingOnTheCheap ,



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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.