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Castaway Bay Review and Giveaway, Ohio Family Fun.


This is our 3rd year attending the Castaway Blogger Event, I’m so appreciative to Thunder::tech for remembering me each year.  Castaway Bay is feeling like home away from home.


However, our very first time visiting Castaway Bay  was not blog-related. It happened just months after Castaway Bay first opened in 2004 – back when my oldest was just 9 months old and about 3 years before I started blogging.

Back when I was about 15-20 pounds thinner too- hehe.


Taking a baby to Castaway Bay.


This time I wanted to highlight something different about Castaway Bay in my review. Today I’m going to spotlight on the other family activities of Castaway Bay and the Blogger Event we attended. See my pics only posted to my Twitter profile here.


I have to laugh at myself. I was planning to highlight a lot of the quiet comfy looking seating sprinkled around the resort, complimented with palm trees. The older I get the more inviting the quiet seating areas appear:  obviously a sign of what my life is lacking right now.


Castaway Bay has so many quiet places to sit and relax.


But that’s okay. This busy season of parenting will be over too soon. I loved this quote I caught from my Aunt Lydia on Facebook one day so much I had to caption it to a bunch of pics of my own boys:


Enjoy your children while they are young: Rush Hour.


My boys are growing up!! I was watching this 2011 Castaway Bay video of the kid’s pool area and my oldest was so skinny and small. I’ve really seen him grow physically over just the past year alone. Bittersweet.


In this video of our 2012 Castaway Bay visit we take you on a quick tour around the resort. If you’ve never been there and want to see the area this video will give you a good look.


Our 2013 visit to Castaway Bay showed me  how much my boys have grown in maturity and boldness in the past year. My biggest surprise (and scare) was when my 6 yr old disappeared! I turned my back to set down my bag and he was gone.


At one point I seriously considered if a panic attack was an option for me. And then I saw him, he was way out by the rope in the deep end of the wave pool swimming around like a happy little mouse wearing a life-jacket.



The 2013 Castaway Bay Blogger Event


Castaway Bay had a huge group of people at this event. They treated us to a pizza dinner and then a time of crafts that they also offered to resort visitors this weekend: coloring your own beach towels and cookie decorating. Note: Some crafts have a fee.


Castaway Bay puts out an itinerary for the days activities- I’m not sure if this is daily or just on the weekends but be sure to check the itinerary when you visit. You’ll find the times for story time with Snoopy and crafts and whatever else they have going on.


Castaway Bay's Blogger Event -2013

 Thank you Melanie (& Madison!)  from Thunder::tech and Tyler Adams, Castaway Bay‘s General Manager, for treating us to a great time and giving us day passes to giveaway!


Right now, for a limited time, you can get an overnight stay with waterpark passes for as low as $129 with promo code: WEB.

Note: the night we stayed the regular cost would have been $289 I think. So this is a great savings!

Visit Castaway Bay for more information.


 Would you like to win  * 4  * day passes ($100 value) to Castaway Bay?


Just follow the RaffleCopter instructions below. There is only ONE mandatory entry.


Everything else gives you EXTRA entries that increase your chances of winning and some reward you for already following me in various online places. Thank you, by the way, for that!


Giveaway begins today and ends February 28th.

Winner will be picked by RaffleCopter.
Winner will be emailed from Hall of Fame Moms (at) gmail (dot) com.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


*Opinions are my own. Thank you to Castaway Bay for providing the overnight room and activities for us to attend this event. Castaway Bay is also providing the 4 day passes for giveaway.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.