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How we homeschool


I know I said in Part 1 of this “How We Homeschool” Tour & Series I would make Part 2 be about our curriculum; but I realized that it would make more sense, I think, to share my goals for my boys before I show you “how” I plan to teach and “what” I plan to use from our eclectic homeschooling style.


So this is our “goal chart”.  Its a legal size folder opened and I created a scene on it. One side is for my third grader and the other for my first grader. Each penciled in box has a goal they need to reach before they can add a hot-air balloon sticker beside it. I picked up a pack of hot-air balloon stickers at my local Dollar Tree. This chart is not about how many minutes the boys spend on a subject such as reading like our summer reading chart was – this time the boys have to complete goals.

You can view the Dollar Tree Weekly Ad to see what stickers and other things are available.


Some of Our Goals

Memorize 25 of the United States of America

Memorize the other 25 United States

Memorize & Recite Psalm 1

Know measurements: Gallons, cups, quarts, pints

Know measurements: Feet, inches

Read book on missionary Nate Saint and complete all required book reports.

“Sharing” Award

“Helping” Award

“Getting Along” Award

Can Read on Own

Can Add & Subtract well

Label a World Map: Continents, major oceans

Knows all 7 Continents

Match States and Capitals

Memorize the Multiplication Tables


Okay so you get the idea. I’m striving this year for more memorization-mastery. The goal chart includes bible, character development as well as understanding the world they live in and how to function in it successfully.


Motivating and Rewarding for Hard Work

And the motivation for trying hard to reach these goals is the reward they know is waiting for them at Christmas time: a large set of Legos for each of them.  Our boys love Legos . We came across only two different sets of Legos on clearance recently (so not much choice) – $50 sets marked down to $35 each and the boys picked out which one they wanted and they get those sets at Christmas time after they’ve worked hard to reach these educational goals.


Okay so I plan to start sharing in Part 3 some of : what I’m using to teach with, where I got it, and how I’m using it.

Like I said, we’re eclectic here!

My 2012 Homeschooling Tour
Part 1:  How I Organize
Part 2:  The Goals and Chart for My Boys
Part 3:  Eclectic Homeschooling Math
Part 4:  Eclectic Homeschooling Reading, Writing & Language Arts
Part 5:  My easy, laid-back way of homeschooling Science


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.