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So you think you want to homeschool your children but you need some direction?

This post is for you!  Most of it is not specific to Ohio only.

If you have questions or think I should add something to this list just leave me a comment.

Don’t miss a post! Subscribe here for email delivery, follow me on Facebook  or  here  on Facebook if you only want Ohio Family Fun notices.

***This link is good place to start if you are NEW to Homeschooling and in need of the basics.

Can you get tax write-offs for homeschooling?

See this post about 2011

Ohio Homeschooling Groups & Forums

Ohio Home Educators Network (OHEN) is a regional network of homeschooling families: an inclusive group supporting families of all religious beliefs. You’ll find links to forms here including the Narrative Assessment form that our Certified Teacher signs when completing my son’s assessment. You’ll also find this link to Ohio’s Laws re: homeschooling.

CHESCA:  Christian homeschooling group – may have around 100+ families now; lots of organized activities to sign up for and some co-ops offered (for additional fee).  [We are members of CHESCA].

CHEO:  Christian Home Educators of Ohio

Medina CHF:  Medina Christian Homeschool Families

Kim’s Ohio Homeschool Events

Yahoo Homeschooling Groups:  Personally, I follow two or three groups here, but there are 600+ listed. If you don’t see one that fits you you can start your own.

More Ohio Homeschool Listings from

Homeschool Talk & Swap at (you may be able to buy/sell also)

Homeschool Lounge (you may be able to buy/sell as well)

USA Senators & Representatives (Politics)

Ohio Senators & House Delegation reps by district. Includes pictures, names and links.

Interactive USA map:  Click your state and find your own Senators & House Delegates.

Ohioans for Educational Freedom:  A statewide home education Political Action Committee that recruits candidates to run for office who will support home education, no matter what.

Where to buy used homeschooling books/materials:

Homeschool Classifieds

Christian Homeschoolers

Educational Accents

Used Homeschool Curriculum

Educator’s Exchange

Best Homeschool Buys

Amazon Books

Look for FREE Kindle eBooks on Amazon Here  &  Find the link for the FREE Kindle App for your device in this post as well as links to FREE Kindle ebooks.  (Note: I don’t own a Kindle but I [easily!] downloaded the free kindle app to my pc and grab up free kindle ebooks as I want now- I get books for homeschooling this way.)

Other helpful homeschooling posts:

How I earn FREE Amazon gift cards through Swagbucks to buy homeschooling supplies.

Our Summer Reading Chart (2012): Encouraging & Rewarding Reading

Math & my Kindergartner: Homeschooling Free, Cheap, Easy

Edible Earth Layers: Fun Project Teaching Earth Science

How I made my own United States Geography Unit Study

A good listing of other homeschooling bloggers and free printables to help you!

My reference list of Free & Affordable Maps & Timelines/accessories for World History.

*Browse my Homeschooling Category link for product reviews and Ohio field trip ideas.

Check this post often as I plan to add to it!

*I did use my Amazon affiliate links in this post.


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