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The Complete Aquarium Adventure: A Field Trip in a Book by Merilee & Bill Clifton – This isn’t just a book about aquatic animals, this is a curriculum with teaching aids too!

Are you planning a trip to the Aquarium soon? If so, read the “Before the Aquarium” section first.

  • Next is the “At the Aquarium” section followed by the “After the Aquarium”.
  • There is a “reproducible” section of about 35 activity pages. Yes, you can copy them to use! – LOVE THAT!!
  • You get a “Tool Kit” too! Its a cute trunk shaped pocket attached to the inside back cover of this book. It holds your 31 Animal Fact Cards, 7 Ocean Zone Cards, 3 Aquarium Animal Alphabet Cards and 3 BingOcean Cards.
  • Within the main sections of this book are sub-categories with tabs at the end of the pages for easy finding. There is an Aquarium Glossary at the end.

There’s even a week’s worth of devotions and many suggested memory verses.  I know some people, like me, care about what bible versions are used in certain products so I’ll tell you that the book says all scripture used is KJV unless otherwise marked.  I’m glad- as its the only version I trust for being the preserved Word of God.

I haven’t worked through this book with my kids yet, but after taking time to get a little familiar with the book myself this week I can say I’m impressed and so pleased at what an awesome resource it appears to be.  There is a Zoo book too and some of the Mom’s of Masterbooks Reviewers are reviewing that one instead of the Aquarium book. I chose the Aquarium book because we got to visit a “new” aquarium in Ohio this month.

Join our Mom’s of Masterbooks #teachthetruth Twitter party

Thursday, June 21st, 8pm CST/ 9pm EST

… for a chance to win one of several copies of  The Complete Aquarium Adventure

(and possibly The Complete Zoo Adventure) as well as a Grand Prize package!

Be sure to follow @Masterbooks4u and use this hashtag: #teachthetruth so you can follow the conversation!

*I received this book free to review as a member of the Masterbook Mom’s. Opinions are my own.

This book is available on Amazon as well. I’m using my affiliate link here:

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