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I love me some Zennioptical! I know I’m just rehashing the benefits of this online prescription eyeglass company if you’ve heard me talking about them in the past. If you haven’t read any of my Zenni posts then hear me now.


You can buy cheap eyeglasses at Zennioptical. Typically our eye insurance pays for one complete pair of eyeglasses per year- and typically, we need back-up pairs. But we don’t make a lot of money and are struggling like many other families and so I don’t buy eyeglasses from our doctor’s offices. I buy our back-ups from Zenni. I just get a copy of our prescription and have the doctor measure our PD so I can fill out the online form at Zennioptical.


At Zennioptical prescription eyeglass frames start at $6.95 and go up. You can buy as many pairs in one order as you want and still the shipping (USA) is only $4.95 (International is from $9.95).


I really really like my most recent pair of Zennioptical eyeglasses. In fact, I got a similar frame from Zenni as I did the name-brand frames from my eye doctor, but I almost never wear my name-brand pair. That’s how much I like this particular frame from Zenni. Zenni does not sell expensive or in-expensive name-brands, but only sells their brand- ZENNI. The pair I like so much are pictured above- priced less than $25.


I’ve been buying our back-up pairs of eyeglasses from Zennioptical for about 2 years now. Remember, because prices start as low as $6.95 this is an incredibly affordable option not only for big families, needing many pairs of glasses (check out their SUN glasses too), but small families with little boys who bend and break their glasses, like mine 🙂  .


 *This is a Sponsored Post but opinions are mine- all mine!
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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.