Off-grid pantry planner


My oldest is a good reader now and I’m thinking ahead to preparing for his third-grade year.

As much as I like finding deals at garage sales I’ve not always had the money to justify touring them in search of something I don’t need at a great price.  But this year – I think I have a good excuse and as long as I have the wiggle room with cash and my husband’s okay I know what I want to do.

I’m buying books, yo!

Not just any books. My husband borrows books regularly from the library and reads them to our sons. We don’t have a lot of room and we already have a fair amount of books in the house. What I want are books that will be read and reread-  true stories that will encourage and inspire godliness with contentment and other great characteristics.

The books don’t all have to be Christian-themed, but those are first on my mind. I want good literature that will capture their imagination and interest while teaching them truths to live by and not so much the twaddle and vain imaginations.

Oh yes! Now I’m pumped for garage sale season.

I am also aware that our local libraries do have book sales too. In fact, I found my Fanny Mae Crosby book there (I think its Heroes of the Faith, a series I will be searching for this summer).

Besides finding a table or two of used books for sale at your local library,  like I find at some of our libraries here in Stark County (Ohio), I found the following information I want to pass on to readers who live in my area:

  • Visit the Stark County Main Library’s Book Sale Building on Market Ave N. in Canton for First Fridays with Friends for a FREE Book May through September 5:30-7:30 pm.
  • For Book Sale and Bag Sale information for the same location visit this link.
  • And remember to check with your local libraries. I know one of mine has a regular table out with used books and magazines for sale.


And don’t forget, you can take advantage of all those FREE Kindle books on Amazon by downloading the free Kindle Reader app.

Its easy,  I’ve done it on my personal computer. I shared that info and some links to find FREE Kindle books  in this post.

*Sharing at Crystal&Comp .
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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.