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I’ve updated some info here that will help you find more free Kindle books in whatever category you’re interested in including direct links to the pages of certain categories to help you. Please scroll to see.


I recently learned that I could easily download the Kindle for PC app so I could take advantage of all the FREE Kindle books that go on sale, for um…free. I don’t own any type of special reader like Kindle or Nook. When it comes to ebooks I usually only get the pdf ebooks, but now I can get Kindle.


The Kindle Reading App

Get the FREE Kindle Reading App for your device here (including PC). <— Click that link to get the Free Kindle Reading App for other devices as well:  Blackberry, iPad, iPhone, Windows PC,  Mac, Android, and Windows Phone 7.


Free Kindle books for your PC and other devices

Got the app or the Kindle? See below to find FREE Kindle books.

  • List of FREE Kindle books <—- I just updated that code. Looked to me like there were thousands of options that came up as “free kindle books” from Amazon 4/12/12 . AND for what its worth I am not a Prime Member on Amazon and not sure what is. I just pick the  “free” to anyone kindle books that I want.
  • I also found that if you type in the Amazon search bar something like ” Free Kindle books in the Christian category ” a list of Christian themed free books came up- there were a couple “must buys” but mostly on the first two pages I checked everyone looked free and I didn’t see any “prime membership” only in there.

I plan to be sharing some of the FREE Kindle books I come across with you in the near future.

I just downloaded this FREE Kindle onto my computer to use in our homeschooling:


Basic Astronomy Concepts Everyone Should Know (With Space Photos)

 *Affiliate links used. Thanks to Jammerill for sharing about the Kindle App and the Astronomy Kindle.
**Linking up with Homeschooling On The Cheap and Enchanted Homeschooling Mom.
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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.